Everything You Need to Know About Hang Tag

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Whenever we buy something, there is a tag hanging with that product. It is more common with clothes, which is known as a hang tag. This simple piece of paper has more value than many consumers think.

What are the uses of a hang tag?

A hand tag serves several uses, including the following.

Display product information.

Hang tags are used to display product information. You need to display a lot with a product, and using a tag becomes easy.

Things that you can include on the tag can be related to the product material, ironing temperatures, washing conditions, protection from sunlight or bleaching, or any other valuable information. Thus, a customer can know every little detail about the product they buy from you.

Market your product details.

There is no better way to convey the marketing details than hang tags. These are cheap and can be made for every product while maintaining your brand image. These tags can include brand information, contact details, prices, discounts, or any special bundle offers.

Adding all this into a tag allows customers to read it, and you don't need to spend anything extra to express these details about the product.

Hang Tag

Benefits of hang tag

This simple tag comes with several benefits, which include:

Natural materials good for the environment

These tags are made with paper and often contain ink/color that is not harmful to the environment. Additionally, these are attached with strings, ribbons, or safety pins with clothes and accessories. Customers will remove the tag as soon as they use the product.

So, by keeping these tags good for the environment, your products will not cause mass damage to the planet. These paper-based tags will automatically decompose within the environment after some time.

Easy to get customers’ attention.

A hang tag makes it easier to get the attention of customers. While browsing through products, customers don't usually check every product's tag. However, if your product's tag stands out because of its shape or design, like:

  • Long strips
  • Round
  • Triangle
  • Pockets
  • Half folds
  • Custom cut

It may draw customers' attention, leading them into the sales funnel. Now it depends on their needs and your product's quality if the customer purchases that product. While other products got skipped by the customer, this little attention to detail can make customers stop and watch your product.

A unique way to display your products.

The plain white tags with nothing but the pricing details mentioned are not attractive to customers. These don't even leave a good brand image.

So, you can uniquely display your products by customizing the hang tag. It automatically shows a positive image of your brand by paying attention to the smallest of details, and it may help you achieve a higher position in the market.

Get your hang tag customized and make your product more attractive.

If you sell a product, adding your brand's customized hang tag may add a lot more value to every purchase. So, customize your hang tag’s design and create a positive brand impression with every product today.


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